Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Importing Variables From Another Creative

Import a variable from one creative content to another to make a copy of the original variable for use in another creative.


With the creative in either Design View or Source View click the drop-down arrow on the Variable button and select the Import option:

This will open the document explorer, navigate to the relevant campaign and select the variable to be imported.

Note: Only one variable can be imported at a time.

Click the Import button.

Once a variable has been imported, a copy of the original variable is made, and any editing to the copied variable will be made to the copy only.

Note: When a variable has been imported into another creative content it is then marked as a shared variable. Shared variables can be seen in the Shared Elements tab and can be selected for use in other content by selecting the drop-down arrow on the Variable button and selecting Shared when in Source or Design view.
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